What is it?Your business can partner with Shopping Cart Elite's Brand Ambassador Program by filling out the form below to apply. If accepted, you will receive discounts in exchange for your time and our ability to use your business as a reference. How does it work?- When requested, you will make yourself available to our sales team for phone calls. Your role during the calls is to provide a truthful endorsement to a prospective client and answer any questions about your experiences with Shopping Cart Elite thus far.
- When requested, you will provide written or video testimonials about the Shopping Cart Elite products or services you currently use.
- Your company logo, domain name, and testimonials will be allowed to be used by Shopping Cart Elite in testimonial sections of physical and digital marketing materials.
- The Powered By Shopping Cart Elite logo at the bottom of your site will contain an affiliate link. This will enable you to earn software subscription credits when people click on it and end up signing up with us. You'll earn credits toward a one month subscription for each successful signup and will be able to track it on your Affiliate Dashboard.
- If you have a connection on LinkedIn that we would like to be introduced to, you will facilitate the introduction by email or phone.
 Gold Ambassador- Up to 1 hour of your time per month on the phone or email
- 2 Written Testimonials per year about different SCE products or services.
- Up to 1 introduction per month to LinkedIn contacts
Platinum Ambassador- Up to 2 hours of your time per month on the phone
- 4 Written Testimonials and 1 Video Testimonial per year about different SCE products or services
- Up to 1 introduction per month from linkedin contacts
- Case study to showcase improvements
- 1 social media post per month to relevant SCE Blog Articles.
We will offer you discounts based on your influence and marketshare in your industry. Our team will contact you to discuss all the details after you fill out the form below: Get started by filling out this form: