You Can Finally Put It All Together  Point of Sale is a state of the art Point-of-Sale system fully integrated with Accounting or out of the box with several ERP applications. Whether you need mobile, stationary or field registers, POS provides direct integrations eliminating the need for double entry of data. 
ENHANCED PRICINGThe Enhanced Pricing module provides bundled prices, BOGO, merchandise promotions, vendor based specials and more. Get the versatility your business needs with retail specific, non-standard pricing beyond the scope of conventional ERP systems.

GIFT CARDSBoost sales and bring in new business with gift cards that can be used at multiple locations. Balances are maintained in real time and can be added to/from any location, and are available via the web.

SCHEDULERIdeal for salons, restaurants, field service, etc., the Fusion Scheduler visually allocates any resource and assigns prices to tasks. These appointments can be easily converted to register transaction where additional material or labor items can be added as needed.
ELIMINATE DUPLICATE DATA ENTRIESAll items, customers and pricing data in your accounting system are automatically shared with POS. No manual intervention required. All transactions from POS are automatically returned to your accounting system for final processing. Users may select the extent of their participation in the final processing as dictated by their internal policies and procedures.
NO DOWN TIMEGet increased reliability and an enhanced customer experience with no down time. Retail stores can transact business even when the internet connection is down.
MULTIPLE CRM LEVELSYou can maintain individual customers transaction history without creating individual customers in your accounting system. This allows for retaining large amounts of customer centric data critical for analysis of buying patterns and focused marketing efforts independent of the constraints of the ERP.
PHANTOM ITEMSPOS allows phantom items i.e. items that exist in the POS but do not exist in the ERP. Phantoms are derivatives of ERP items and are converted back to the stocking unit of measure for posting.

CUSTOMIZED REGISTERLeveraging skin technology, the register user interface can be tailored to the requirements of each client and are both keyboard and / or touchscreen compatible.

CUSTOMER TYPESAmong the key differentiators for POS is the ability to handle multiple customer types within one system and thereby offering flexibility to determine on a line-by-line basis the fulfillment methodology for an order and different register types to handle different requirements. Customer types include Cash Customer, where customer or specific transaction data isnt needed, Accounting customer, direct integration with your accounting system, and Marketing Customer, when customer data is required for marketing.

CASH REGISTERCash Register (CR) integrates seamlessly with your accounting system inventory. Add an item and it is immediately available at the register. Pricing, availability, etc., can all be controlled with one interface. Daily transactions flow seamlessly back into the your accounting system with no manual interaction. Purchasing, financial reporting, and cash management are performed within the system, leaving store managers to focus on enhancing your customers experience.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REGISTERThe Customer Service Register (CSR) dramatically extends the reach of your accounting system by adding AR integration..

POS REGISTERThe Mobile Register brings all the functionality of the CSR to the HP Elite tablet. Place orders, invoice, accept credit cards, scan items, etc., all while never loosing contact with the client.

FULFILLMENT TYPESPOS allows the operator to select from multiple fulfillment types depending on the nature of the transaction, including carryout, pick-up, ship, install, etc. Fulfillment types may be determined at the line level, ideal for environments where an initial carry out sale is followed by a delivery or shipment. The POS integration first creates a Sales Order in for each transaction (Accounting Customers) or roll-up transaction (Cash or Marketing Customers). Payments are applied to the open sales order, and then it matches the Fulfillment Type with your accounting systems Ship Method, allowing items flagged for future shipment to remain as an open Sales Order. For items otherwise flagged, POS can auto post the shipment and / or the invoice depending on client preferences.