Best-in-class loading speeds Let's Talk →
SpeedOur website services will increase your sales and enhance your business
 Hypersonic CDNGoogle uses website speed in their web search rankingWe are happy to announce that your website will benchmark to be one of the fastest ecommerce website in the world.  2 Second LoadSpeed is a killer47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less and 40% of visitozrs abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.  Page Speed by Google100/100 score with Google’s Page Speed InsightThe customer gets impatient with slow landing pages, which could translate into a loss of sale when the customer abandons your website.
Global Content Delivery
We access 74 data centers located across the globe to make your site fast for your visitors no matter where they are. We use load balancing to distribute workloads across data centers to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. IPV6 Ready
IPV4 has run out, and we are seeing more and more customers getting IPV6 addresses from their internet service providers. If your website is not IPV6 ready then visitors who have IPV6 will not be able to access your website. Fortunately using Shopping Cart Elite your website will be ahead of its times and IPV6 visitors will be able to access it by using our IPV6 to IPV4 reverse proxy. Mobile Optimization
Mobile speed is another priority. Our websites detect the browser type of a visitor and optimizes performance for the particular device.
Our customers are reaching great results
Sales increase 132% in one year  “I felt like it is the complete package, inventory, website, marketing...” Thomas Lander - CEO 284%” Increase Revenue ![]() “Definitely an A+ in customer service!" ![]()
 Minimum Edge Cache Expire TTLOur system respects all existing headers, unless you choose to overwrite them. The minimum edge cache expire TTL sets the refetch time for checking the origin server for a new resource.  RAW Log File AccessWe make available and provide access to raw log files for enhanced analytics. We want to allow customers who would like to have more insight into the visitors to their sites to be able to choose to do so.  Automatic Static Content CachingWe save you CPU resources and bandwidth by serving your static content directly from global data centers.
- Website Performance
- Easy DNS Management
- Cash Purge
 Website Performance We are obsessed with website speed and we are constantly running benchmarks to make sure that our clients websites are the fastest than any of our competitors. We always try to get our clients to have a perfect score on webpagetest.org  Easy DNS Management Purge the entire cache or just a single cache without waiting. Cache purge will Immediately purge all cached resources for your website. This will force expiration of all static resources cached prior to the button click and fetch a new version.  Cache Purge Purge the entire cache or just a single cache without waiting. Cache purge will Immediately purge all cached resources for your website. This will force expiration of all static resources cached prior to the button click and fetch a new version.
 The simplicity of it. The daily reporting is something that we didn't have in our previous system. And the transparency is great. SCE is so vast that there are lots of places to grow using SCE...” Michelle Burke - Operations Officer
HTTP/2 and SPDYHTTP/2 is the latest update to the HTTP protocol. HTTP/2 brings advancements in efficiency, security, and speed. We provide automatic HTTP/2 and SPDY coverage for your visitors. Caching LevelDetermine how much of your websites static content you want to cache. Increased caching can speed up page load times. Auto MinifyReduce the file size of source code on your website.
Polish and MirageMirage automatically optimizes image load times through virtualized and lazy-loaded images. Improves the performance of images on a mobile connection. Polish applies to lossless or lossy image optimization to reduce your image sizes by 35% on average. Browser Cache ExpirationDetermine the length of time a visitors browser caches files. During this period, the browser loads the files from its local cache, speeding up page loads. Global Anycast DNSFast and responsive times globally and near-instant updates.
Introducing hypersonic CDN and benchmarkingWe've put together the best website features to help your business standout against your competitors. From beautiful mobile responsive layouts to blazing fast loading speeds, we have you covered.