You can Finally See the Path  FREE MARKETING PARTNERSHIP IntroductionMarketing advisory discussions always come up at the wrong time...Marketing advisory discussions always come up at the wrong time. Usually, it happens when the website goes live and sales drop. Clients underestimate the importance of marketing advisory because they dont move their website every day. In this article, we will clarify the importance of marketing advisory so you can be prepared for it ahead of time instead of when all hell breaks loose.? In simple English, your old website has a sales funnel - let's call it Sales Funnel A - and your NEW Shopping Cart Elite website has another - let's call it Sales Funnel B. When your Sales Funnel fails, you experience disruption. Why would Sales Funnel B fail if Shopping Cart Elite is a better shopping cart system compared to your old one? Because a shopping cart can complement a sales funnel but not replace it. A sales funnel can be anything from a bad navigational menu to the color of a button. Here is a real life example: Once a client installed a new live chat system on their Shopping Cart Elite website as soon as they went live and experienced 90% drop in sales in the first week. After troubleshooting the issue we found that the live chat message on the bottom right would say We're Offline" when the live chat agent was off, and this caused visitors to think that the whole website was offline and not operational. The client blamed Shopping Cart Elite for the loss of sales while in reality it was their Offline live chat message. They never would have figured it out without us going in and quickly seeing it as a red flag. Through years of optimization or by luck your old website had a sales funnel that worked, and this is why you were able to get as far as you did using your old website. A website on Shopping Cart Elite can get you further but not without hard work, testing and optimizing the new sales funnel. If you are doing your setup, or you have a limited budget for setup, then you need to be prepared for website optimization using our predictive analytics called TEA Software. Without monitoring and optimizing your new website, we can't guarantee that years of optimization on your old website can be transferred over without any hiccups. Either do it right or don't do it. "SCE has a lot of features and I like the Shopping Feeds the most, we sell wallpapers and fabrics. I have been really happy with the SCE staff.Patrick Mahone, CEO of Mahones Wallpaper Shop
Step 1: Why Is Marketing Advisory Important?In this hypothetical example, you can spend $1,000 to buy traffic and make ten sales, or you can pay $900 for marketing advisory and $100 to buy traffic and make the same ten sales. Then when you shut off marketing advisory and spend the same $1,000 to buy traffic, it is possible to make 20-50 sales because of the improved optimization. A sales funnel either works or doesn't. If it doesn't work, then you can spend all the money you want to get traffic to your website, and it will not produce a good return on your investment. Sending traffic to your website without first optimizing the sales funnel on your website is equivalent to getting into a car for a road trip, without clear direction of where you are going or how you will get there. Maybe it will work, but most likely not. Assuming it does work on the first try, it will usually fail you on future tries as you continue to scale. Marketing advisory is a long term investment because once the sales funnel is optimized it powers up your overall awareness marketing for the life of the website. Say you invest $10,000 into marketing advisory and stop, and as a result it increased your sales by $30,000 every month. If you break out the number of how much the marketing advisory cost you, versus the amount of increased revenue is as follows:
Frequency | Cost of Advisory | Increase in Revenue (ROI) |
1st Month | $10,000(One Time) | $30,000 | 2nd Month | $5,000 | $60,000 | 6th Month | $1,600 | $180,000 | 1st Year | $833 | $360,000 | 2nd Year | $416 | $720,000 | 5th Year | $166 | $1,800,000 |
$10,000 marketing advisory that breaks down to $166 over five years can possibly translate into $1.8M in sales assuming a five-year period, and a conversion problem is fixed.Who Can Do Marketing Advisory?First, Marketing Advisory may not be for everyone. We recommend that you should have at least 100 real visitors per day to make the most of it.Mind-Set Business owners often make the mistake of thinking they can do it all on their own. Everything in history has shown us this isn't possible. No one person can do everything on his or her own; it takes a team, sometimes an army, to achieve goals and win wars. The same goes for marketing. People usually think of marketing in a straightforward manner. They think you market, and you get customers, but that's not how it works. Marketing encompasses many different facets, must be approached from several different perspectives and requires a diverse set of skills to be effective. In marketing, there are three key strengths required to develop and perfect a sales funnel: Pattern, Logic, and Creativity. You can be one of them but not all three. And many times people will not fall into any of these categories because there are 29 others that may fit them more. We recommend reading the bestselling book StrengthsFinder 2.0 to discover your own specific talents. You can also use it for your marketing director or any other leaders on your team, just have them take the test to find out. Pattern is a talent. These people take in the world and information differently from regular people. They prefer data and armed with this data they search for patterns and make connections. A person exceptional at the Pattern skill will not excel at Logic or Creativity, but can notice a trend of events that causes a sales funnel to collapse. Next you need a person adept at Logic to make sense of the correlations and connections revealed by the Pattern seeker and figure out why the collapse happens. The Logic person is skilled at quickly identifying the causes of the patterns and if said causes actually create problems. Sometimes you can easily fix the problems, sometimes you can't. The problems that cannot be easily fixed require a Creative approach. Creative people are excellent problem solvers because they think outside of the box to find solutions the Pattern and Logic person are incapable of developing on their own. Assuming you do have someone that is very creative, they may still not be able to fix the problem due to limited knowledge of what is possible with your shopping cart. These three different types of people working in unison can perfect any sales funnel because they are the complete package. The Pattern expert will use TEA to discover patterns in the way visitors and customers are interacting with a website. For instance, they may use TEA to discover that most visitors who land on a product page without first visting the homepage may fail to checkout. The Pattern person will not know why, they will just recognize that it happens because they are good at that. They will then relay this information to the Logic person who will analyze why these people are not converting. They may conclude the reason is that the homepage has more effective call-to-actions than the product pages, but will not know how to implement these calls-to-action on the product pages because they are not a creative. The creative will figure out how to design and beautifully integrate the call-to-actions on the product pages. The Marketing Advisory program is imperative for business owners because it offers vetted and experienced professionals that cover all three strengths. You get a team of experts who find correlations, reveal failures, and solve problems on a daily basis using TEA as their secret weapon. No single business owner is capable of doing this all on their own, especially if they have no experience with TEA.
VIDEO 1: ENGAGEMENT TO SALES RATIO - The one and only metric that should be used to measure the performance of your website is engagement. We invented engagement and we use it to grow companies to literally any revenue level they desire. In this video you will learn about this new metric:
CHART: CONSIDERATION BEFORE DISCOVERYIf your website has a leak in the sales funnel, no matter how much traffic you will send into it, it will not fix the leak. If your leak is too big, then your ROI across all campaigns will be underperforming. You may be blaming your agency, platform or the economy, but it will all come down to your sales funnel on your own website.
Below you will find a chart of what we call the Perfect Sales Funnel. If you get it perfect, you will experience growth and success with your business.
VIDEO 2: THE SALES FUNNEL PROCESS - If you watched the first video, you will now understand the importance of Engagement. In this next video we'll discuss the sales funnel process and how it directly affects conversions.
Step 2: How We Do MarketingWe will first use TEA, Threat Engagement Analytics, to test your current traffic and customer engagement. We will define an Engagement to Sales ratio for your current Sales Funnel. What is engagement? Heres a quick definition. When a visitor comes to your website they browse your website, move their mouse around, scrolling up and down, and basically checking out your website and your products. This is Engagement. The more engaged a visitor is, the more they will interact with your website. An engaged visitor clicks through more pages, spends more time reading sales copy, reviews, testimonials, etc. How does this relate to sales? Well, you've probably guessed it by now - the more engaged a visitor is with your website the more likely they will convert into a customer. It's really as simple as that, number of sales and Engagement are directly related. Think about it for a moment, if a visitor spends 10-15 seconds on the first page and then leaves the chances that you have any products this person is interested in is slim. This visitor clearly displays Poor Engagement. Conversely, a visitor who spends three minutes browsing your website and four minutes reading product sales copy clearly displays excellent Engagement. Excellently engaged visitors will become customers.
Have you ever noticed the display and location of foods in a supermarket and then returned another day to realize they've been relocated to a entirely different aisle? This is how supermarkets optimize their sales funnel to make sure you see the right products as you walk through the store. Your Marketing Advisor will do the same thing with your ecommerce website. They will diligently examine the sales funnel of your store and work with you closely to define the steps required to increase your Engagement to Sales ratio. You will then have the option of making the necessary changes to your store yourself or hiring our recommended overseas vetted designers, programmers, and marketing professionals to do the fixes for you. The Market Advisory Plans purpose is to assist you in growing your business and increasing your revenue and we have accomplished this for many clients.
VIDEO 3: Threat Engagement Analytics (TEA) - Your secret weapon. In this video we'll discuss the tools you can use to easily increase Engagement and perfect your sales funnel.
Step 3: Compare Us To Third Party Agencies
Below you will find links to the Marketing Advisory Proposal that further details what you can expect, the services that will be performed as well as the projected ROI timeframe and performance. ExperienceExperience makes the difference between getting the job done in 1 hour by a marketing expert and 10 hours if you attempt to do it yourself, but it will likely be over 20 hours if you consider the learning curve time, testing, and troubleshooting problems you accidentally created. This is simply because you have no past events on which to build conclusions and solve problems from. Our Marketing team optimizes sales funnels for our clients on a daily basis. They have a plethora of past experiences and problems they've encountered to inform them. They have optimizations that are already proven to work for other clients that they can implement for you. Whereas if you choose to do it on your own you will be shooting in the dark. They have complicated systems setup that took the efforts of an entire team to design and develop and they can eliminate all other issues and quickly find a new one. ExecutionMarketing Advisory Pro comes with labor as well as consulting whereas the Basic plan only includes consulting. The Pro plan is the best solution for businesses seeking to get their store online and converting quickly. On the Pro plan, our advisors will thoroughly develop a marketing strategy, and course of action for your business then hand it off to our team to execute it. Again, our team of programmers, designers, and marketing professionals have the ability and expertise to quickly optimize your sales funnel and conversions. Clients on the basic package will have expert consultation, but they will have to search, hire, and manage their own team to implement their plan. Our best advice is to go with the Pro plan because execution is imperative. You only have one chance to get your business right or else it will be very costly.
VIDEO 4: MARKETING SYSTEMS - To break new ground you need a well-designed plan and dedicated team to get you there. Watch below to see how to get your own affordable Marketing Advisor and marketing team with decades of experience to spearhead your business to new heights.