Pixel perfect designs Let's Talk →
Every pixel countsShopping Cart Elite maintains a Cloud Template to create an industry standard website for all of our clients, constantly enhancing the platform to deliver flexibility, convenience, marketing features, and a user-friendly experience.
 Custom DesignControl the whole creation process for your websiteOur expert employees are available 24/7 to provide you support or even build a complete website for you.  Custom MenusCreate beautiful Mega MenusMake them as custom as you want by adding custom CSS styles, HTML and call-to-action to the Mega Menus.  Universal CarousselsAdd caroussels anywhere on your websiteYou can create interactive carousels with custom text, images, embedded videos or a completely custom HTML elements.
Ever-evolving libraryOur premium templates library keeps on growing every week, with major updates and addons each month. Premium TemplatesShopping Cart Elite hosts a collection of many premium templates. We take template creation process very seriously, optimizing each for a great "all-browsers" experience, as well as maintaining and updating them on a regular basis. We design our templates with brands and industries in mind, optimizing the look & feel for every induvidual industry. This will make it a lot easier for you to select your new template, matching both the industry standards and your own personal taste. More Than Just a TemplateOur templates carry much more than just a piece of CSS and image files. It carries all your "front-end" related settings, HTML, CSS, images, plugins and promotional information. Once you have your intial template setup, you will be able to simply clone it and change things like Home Page featured products, content and graphics, easily preparing your website for the upcoming seasonal sales for example. It's simply amazing.
 The simplicity of it. The daily reporting is something that we didn't have in our previous system. And the transparency is great. SCE is so vast that there are lots of places to grow using SCE...” Michelle Burke - Operations Officer
Blocks - Content Drag&Drop EditorWant a simple way to add that new text block to your content? With Blocks, you can add, move, clone and edit a variety of available HTML components; like Headings, Paragraphs, Media Objects and Layouts. Each component comes with both basic and advanced settings menu, so you will never have to dig into code again. However, we didn't forget about all the advanced users out there and included a set of Custom Code components as well.
Reuse Your Blocks TemplatesWe didn't stop at just dragging and dropping, instead we took our editor to a higher level and implemented a way to save your content as a Block Template. So when you'll be creating a fresh new page, you have the ability to recall your previously saved templates.
 Mobile ReadyAll websites are responsive to tablet and mobile out of the box, and if you seriously want to enhance the look and feel of your brand, we can create a custom beautiful theme for mobile templates.  VIP TreatmentYou will be connected with all our managers to get your website launched in 30 days or less. In addition, our creative art director will oversee your project and approve the final design before it is presented to you.  No LimitsNo Limits With our Cloud Templating, you are not limited to just one single active template, instead you can combine multiple templates into one new template.
  Pier Coffee - Free  Garage - Free  Riverstone - FreeIntroducing our new cloud templatesWe've put together the best website features to help your business standout against your competitors. From beautiful mobile responsive layouts to blazing fast loading speeds, we have you covered.