Does Facebook Advertising Work

Does Facebook Advertising Work

When it comes to Facebook advertising, you’ve most likely heard both very positive and very negative thoughts about it. Many argue that it works while the other half tell you to run as fast as you can away from the platform before it ends up eating all of your money. Truth be told, both scenarios are possible. However, in order to keep the latter from occurring, you just have to do it right. It shouldn’t come as a surprise as that’s how all things in life work, but regardless, many people don’t go into it prepared and thus they end up in a complete mess with the majority of their money gone. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. The thing is, Facebook advertising truly does work. In fact, social media has become a crucial piece in the growth of business today which is why this platform is inevitable to utilize if you want your company to succeed. In order to get it right, though, you need to first understand how it works.

How does Facebook Advertising work?

The goal of paid social is to assist your company with finding potential customers. Facebook accomplishes this by letting you target certain audiences that will most likely be interested in your items and services from their huge user base. Therefore, you start off by identifying the objective of your campaign. This could be, for example, getting traffic to your site, trying to get your visitors to download your app, or generating leads. Once the objective has been established, you need to figure out who your target audience is, which is who will end up looking at your ads. This process is called audience segmentation. Facebook provides you with a number of custom audience parameters that way you can really narrow down the people that you are trying to aim for. You can even make custom audiences by uploading data from the current customers that you have, that way you are able to create a lookalike audience. Then, you want to choose what your ad will look like. Here, it’s key that your visual is captivating and formatted correctly that way it’s not deformed when it goes out to the public. You can even utilize a number of Facebook’s templates such as canvas and slideshow in order to create an ad that’s even more unique. It’s important to note that you keep your text to a bare minimum.

Once your entire ad has been created, it’s time to put it into the Facebook ad auction. This auction determines which ads get shown to which audiences. The criteria that they take into account is the competitive value. This value is the sum of an advertiser’s maximum bid and the ad’s intrinsic quality bid. The latter is the amount of engagement brought by an ad to both Facebook and the user experience. As soon as your ads been launched, it’s important that you constantly gather data to make an analysis of your ad in order to optimize as often as possible. You want it to stay fresh and be able to adapt to any changes that of your audience or competitors.

Now, you have a better understanding of it, but this still doesn’t exactly prove whether or not it works. The next section will, though.

Why does Facebook Advertising work?

Well, for starters, they have a huge global audience of over 2 billion people. Not any other platform boasts nearly as many users. Thanks to this large audience, companies are able to target audiences at a much higher level, that way the audience is very specific and caters to the right people versus to all of the people, thus helping companies save lots of money. Additionally, their user base just keeps on growing, therefore this continuously growing number allows advertisers to target audiences based on demographics, personal interests, purchasing behavior, and life events, just to name a few. Additionally, advertising on this platform is very cost-effective. The ROI on investment, however, depends on the ad format that you select. On average, though, the CPC of Facebook ads is $1.72. This is very low as they are typically very effective when it comes to the trying to achieve the desired outcome. Therefore, there’s no need for a huge budget! You just need to learn to maximize the amount that you are willing to spend.

You now understand how to do it properly, but as you may assume, it’s definitely easier said than done. That being said, it doesn’t have to be. Thankfully, there are many agencies available today that can do all of the hard work for you while giving you a much better ROI versus if you did it all by yourself. After all, they have all of the tools and experience necessary to handle all of the nuances that come with Facebook advertising. One such agency is our own. Let’s take a look at the tools that we have that can immensely benefit your company.


Our agency, threat and engagement analytics, provides companies with tools that can help with, just as the name suggests, detecting and eliminating threats as well as the analyzing user engagement. This is made possible by the number of tools that we provide. For one, our engagement trends analysis tools assist with identifying visitor behavior trends and discovering the actual conversion rate for your site. Our remarketing segmentation tools give users the ability to target actual potential customers with the right ads. Additionally, our campaign management tools let users track their marketing campaigns, which gives them insight into actual visitor activity. Also, both our automated click fraud protection and engagement fraud protections makes sure that all of the engagement data that is gathered is related to actual visitors instead of bots.

We also provide users with a dashboard, which gives users a 360-degree overview of every single one of their marketing campaigns along with their activity and performance. They are even able to track the performance of their keywords, tags, and referrers.

You can find more information on our free webinar located on our site.