The Top Two Enterprise Ecommerce Software Today

The Top Two Enterprise Ecommerce Software Today

An enterprise ecommerce software is what businesses can utilize in order to sell online. The beauty of it is that any business, regardless of the size, can use it, granted the software is scalable and cloud-based. However, before we go into the type of platforms available, let’s first break down enterprise ecommerce software.

You are an enterprise if you provide customers with more than just one type of item or service. Also, your company contains several departments that use the same group of financial and technical resources and you share the general management team. However, it doesn’t matter how many staff members you have, the number of customers that you provide your items and services to, or the net revenue that you make.

An enterprise software, which can be called Enterprise Application Software (EAS), is usually a software system that’s made to assist with the various necessities of a big business. In other words, all departments are centralized in one location, which creates smooth communication channels. It can either be cloud-hosted or installed, but the majority today are cloud-based. However, what exactly do they do?

A good ecommerce software, which can also be called Shopping Cart software, offers no limit to anything, whether it be the number of items or item variations, as well as online storage and bandwidth. It should also offer premium web features such as custom SSL certificates and Google Trusted Store tags. Both order and inventory management tools are also beneficial. It’s also good to have multi-channel and integrated point of sale (POS) features. Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are also a nice bonus!

Today, there are many different types of enterprise software available which can assist with managing a variety of jobs whether it be customer relationship management or order processing. Let’s take a look at some of the top enterprise ecommerce software available.

Enterprise Ecommerce Software

Shopify Plus

Their enterprise ecommerce platform targets large and expanding online stores. The platform is hosted and customizable. Shopify Plus is advantageous for the fact that it gets rid of opportunity cost. They look after anything revolving servers, any bugs, feature implementations, order management, bandwidth, as well as file storage. Additionally, this platform offers predictable pricing and at a justifiable price, since it ends up being less expensive than paying for hosting, fees, and web developer staff. It’s even more predictable and constant instead of getting a developer that’ll handle bug fixes, feature requests, or even altering implementation. Their predictability of support is also very beneficial since you receive a dedicated account manager, who will manage your complete account, starting from development and features, all the way down to technology and bug fixes. You’ll also gain access to a specialized development team that’ll all work on one platform.

This platform also has all of the tools that businesses would need in order to implement every aspect of solid digital marketing very fast. Therefore, even though Shopify Plus is a hosted platform, it was created without neglecting what marketers would want since it contains all of the standard tools that they would need. Additionally, this ecommerce software contains a robust API, many built-in integrations, and they’ve got their own App Store that contains many extensions that you can choose from.

However, on the other side, Shopify Plus isn’t rich in content management systems. You can create a publishing site, but it’s definitely not their strong point. You’ll really feel this if you’ve worked with WordPress before. They’ve also got some backend development limitations. They do offer a pretty decent amount of flexibility in the front end, but integration on the backend must be compatible with their API. On top of that, they’ve got lock-in, so should Shopify have a financial issue, when moving to a new platform, you’ll only get whatever data Shopify gives you.

Shopping Cart Elite

This ecommerce platform stands out for the fact that every single basic feature that they have was created in order to help your company automate all of those everyday jobs. Businesses are able to streamline their online store’s front and back processes. Their complete suite of software is useful for all companies, regardless of the size.

They also offer a number of great features. For one, they’re eBay and Amazon marketplace ready, so you can push your items to a number of marketplaces. You can then use your existing item database and it lets you make templates that are like your item page. Additionally, you can easily list and maintain the items on multiple marketplaces without the need for more than several minutes in order to list them. Next, their Competition Spy helps solve the issue of not knowing how to price your items. At the same time, you can make sure that your sale price never goes under your cost price. You’ll even get a full report so that you can get an idea of how competitive you are in comparison to others within the marketplace. Their inventory management is sophisticated and yet simple to use and allows users to barcode and scan their current inventory and process whatever comes after. Their alert system is always very helpful since you can customize when you’d want to be alerted that you’re low on inventory and it’ll predict your future sales from trends that had occurred in the past. Their employee management system allows you to control the areas in the systems that specific staff can access. They can also be assigned certain suppliers. You’re even allowed to organize your team’s jobs that way everyone knows what their responsibilities are. However, they offer many other tools, too, such as Google Shopping, shipping management, as well as accounting. They even provide you with many intelligent software modules.


Although Shopify Plus is more well known, it doesn’t mean that it’s the best one for you. There isn’t such thing as a one-size-fits-all platform which is why it’s important to do some good research and write down what features your business can’t live without. A good place to start would be Shopping Cart Elite as they’re highly comparable to Shopify and offer more features.