Enter your sender information:
Account Name | Name for your account in G-Lock EasyMail7 (will not be shown anywhere in the message) |
From Name | Will show up in the recipient's email as the person who sent the message |
Email Address | Email address from which you will send emails. It must be a valid email address. When you enter the email address, it repeats throughout the form. |
Reply E-mail Address | Email address that you want the replies to go to. If you do not enter a different email address into this field, the replies will be sent to the email address, from which you send them. |
Bounce (Return) E-mail Address | Email address, to which you will receive bounce (returned) email messages. If you do not enter a different email address into this field, bounce messages will be returned to your "From" email address. |
Organization | Specifies the name of your group, company or organization (not required) |
Set the throttling options if necessary:
Messages per hour | Indicates how many messages the program can send per 1 hour from this account. The free version G-Lock EasyMail7 distributes 250 messages evenly for 1 hour. |
Messages per day | Indicates how many messages the program can send per 1 day from this account. |
Simultaneous SMTP connections | Indicates how many messages the program can send simultaneously from this account. The maximum number of simultaneous messages is specified by admin in the Workplace options. |

Then click on the Delivery Options tab.
G-Lock EasyMail7 supports several sending modes, but the most popular one is sending via SMTP server. G-Lock EasyMail7 can send emails through any 3rd party SMTP server. It can be your dedicated SMTP server or SMTP server of your Internet service provider (ISP).
In addition to that, you can use the SMTP settings of any 3rd party email sender such as SparkPost, SendGrid, Amazon SES and others.
To send emails through the SMTP server, select the “Send via SMTP Server” delivery option.
To test the account, click on the "Test" button. Enter a test email address and click OK.

If the SMTP settings are correct, you will receive an email message saying that your SMTP settings are correct.
If the SMTP settings are not correct, the program will show you the error log. Scroll the log down and read the error. Fix it and test the SMTP settings again.
When the test passes, click OK to save the account settings. Now go to the step 2 and import your email contacts.
Step 2. Import Email Recipients
Click on “Import Contacts” in the Get Started section.
Select the option depending on the format of the file/database you want to import the recipients from.
If your email recipients are saved in a CSV file, you can download a sample CSV file to see how the fields are formatted.

Note: if you want to import email contacts from G-Lock EasyMail v6.xx, the EasyMail7 Client must be installed on the same computer where G-Lock EasyMail v6.xx is installed.
Select the file on the disk and click “Open”.
Enter a group name. By default, the program uses the file name as the group name. Put the check marks for the fields that you want to import into the group and do the field mappings. If the field names in your file match the field names in G-Lock EasyMail7, these fields will be mapped automatically.
If the field names in the file do not match the field names in GLock EasyMail7, map the fields manually by choosing the right field name from the drop-down menu in the "EasyMail Field" column. The field containing the email address is required for mapping. Other fields are optional.

Important! If there is a field with the subscription status in your file, and you want to import it, map this field to the EasyMail7 “Subscribed” field and type the “subscribed” status in the “Format” field. For example, if the “subscribed” status is “Confirmed” in your file, type “Confirmed” in the “Format” field. The program will import subscribed users with the status 1 and unsubscribed users - with the status 0.
If you map the field with the subscription status to the EasyMail7 “Subscribed” field and leave the “Format” field empty, the program will import all users with the status 0 (unsubscribed). If you do not have a field with the subscription status in the file or do not map this field during the group creation, the program will import all users with the status 1 (subscribed).
If you have a field with the subscription date/time in the file and want to import this field, map this field to the EasyMail7
“Subscribe_Date” field and select the correct date format in the
“Format” field. The date format must match the date format in your file.
After the fields are mapped, click “Create”.

Important! If you have a Windows 64-bit system or installed the EasyMail7 Server on a clean machine without Microsoft Office, then you must download “Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable” (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe) for 32-bit Systems from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255 and install it in the passive mode to be able to create groups directly from MS Access, MS Excel 97-2003, or MS Excel 2007-2013 files.
Go to Start -> Run.
Type the local path to AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /passive Example: D:\temp\AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /passive Click OK.
After you imported the email contacts, got o the step 3 and add a bounce email account for processing bounce email messages.
Step 3. Add Bounce Email Account
To comply with the CAN-SPAM law, you must process bounce emails after each sending and delete or unsubscribe them in your list.
Go to the Get Started section and click “Add Bounce Email Account” button.
For your convenience, you can go to “Email Accounts”, select your account and click “Edit”.
Then click on “Add to Bounce Handler” button.

Enter your mail server address, password, and other required information in the Bounce Account settings.
Select the action what the program will do with bounce emails in the internal groups: delete from contact groups or unsubscribe in all groups.
Check the “Add unsubscribes to Global Exclusion List” option.
Click “Test” to check if your settings are correct.
Click OK to save the Bounce Account settings.

After you added an outgoing email server account, bounce email account and contacts, you can go to the next step and create an email message.
Step 4. Create Message
Return to the main program window and click “Message” under the Home menu.
Type the message text in the "Edit Message" window. Or, click on the Source tab at the bottom of the window and copy-paste the HTML source there.
You can also load an email message from file or web page. Click on the File menu and select the load or import option depending on where you want to load the message from.

You can fully customize the message using the HTML options and dynamic fields.
Under the Insert tab, you will find the insert options such as insert a table, attachment, symbol, picture, link, and line.
When the message is finished, you can click “Save” and save it to the Drafts folder.
If you don’t have your own email design, you can use any HTMl template from the EasyMail7’s template store for inspiration.
Click on "Template Store" under the Home menu.
Choose the template and click on "Download template”.

When the template is installed, close the Template Store and click on “Templates” in the left pane.
Hover the mouse over the template name and click “Edit”.

The message editor will open where you can customize the message as you need by adding your company name, message text, dynamic fields, etc.
When you finished the customization, click “Save”.
Step 5. Test Inbox Placement and Spam Score
Before you send the message to your real email contacts, it is highly recommended that you test your email deliverability with different mailbox providers to make sure that your email is delivered to the Inbox, not the spam folder.
It also helps you monitor your sender reputation with different email service providers and make sure that you are in good standing with top domains on your list.
EasyMail7 is integrated with GlockApps email testing tools that provide a relevant reporting of email campaign performance with the Inbox/Spam testing, spam score and authentication testing.
To make the Inbox delivery and spam test, double-click on the message in the Drafts or Templates folder.
Choose the sending account in the “From” field.
Then click “Send” and choose "Send Spam Test" from the "Send" button menu.

Since Inbox Placement and span score tests are made through GlockApps testing service, you’ll need to create an account with GlockApps the first time.
If you already have an account, simply login on the login form.
Then, select the providers you want to check your email with and click "Start."

G-Lock EasyMail7 will send your message to our seed list of email addresses with chosen service providers, and you will get the delivery report within a few minutes.
To see the test delivery report, go to the Outbox and click on "View Report" on the test message.
The report presents:
- Inbox/Spam/Missing rate;
- sender authentication test (DKIM and SPF);
- sender IP reputation; spam filter tests;
- Inbox placement test; delivery duration.

From the Inbox delivery testing report you can see how your message is treated by major Internet providers around the world and whether it is delivered to the Inbox, spam folder or blocked before reaching the recipient's mailbox. In Gmail, you will see if your message is delivered to the Primary or Promotions tab.
Spam filter testing helps you identify which filters are blocking your emails. You get a spam testing report from Postini and SpamAssassin. We also provide as much detail as we can squeeze out of them to help you troubleshoot.
Sender authentication testing checks your authentication each time you send an email to our seed list. You will be able to see on an individual email campaign basis whether your email is passing DKIM and SPF authentication.
Delivery duration tracking is also essential. It helps determine if there is an issue with ISP throttling. Rather than blocking your emails altogether, some ISPs will delay the delivery of emails when the volume passes a certain threshold. It can be particularly harmful to time sensitive promotions or important transaction emails.
Step 6. Send Test Message
In addition to the Inbox Placement and spam score test, you can quickly send a test message to yourself to check if it looks well in the email client when received.
Or, you can create a group with your test email addresses and always use that group for sending a test message before each campaign.
To send a test email message, select “Send Test” from the "Send" button menu.

On the "Send Test Email" window select the option "To email:" or "Group:".
The "To email:" option allows you to send a test message quickly to one or several email addresses without adding them to the group.
Commas or semicolons must separate email addresses.
Important! When you send a test email using the "To email" field, dynamic fields except the unsubscribe link and social links do not work.

If you have a group of test email addresses, select the "Group:" option and then select your test group from the menu.
You can add email addresses to which you do not want to send the test email to the Exclusion list by using the > button.
Click "Send".

Check mail on your test email addresses to see how the message displays. If any corrections are needed, you can make them now and re-send a test message.
Step 7. Send Message to the Contact Group
After testing your Inbox delivery and making sure that your email is delivered to the Inbox with your top domains, you can send an email campaign to your contact group.
Select the group in the “Group” field.
Click “Send”.
Select “Send Now” from the “Send” button menu.

Note: if you have duplicate email addresses between groups and send the message to more than one group at a time, the program does not send the message to all duplicate addresses. The message is sent only to the first email address that occurs.
When you send the message to a database and have duplicate addresses in the database, the message is sent to the first email address out of duplicate emails that occur in the database.
You can watch the sending process in the Outbox. This is where sent emails are stored.
After the sending is complete, you can click on “View Log” and look at the general sending log of the message.
Also, you can click on “Processed”, “Sent” and “Failed” to look at processed emails (sent + failed), sent and failed (not sent) emails.
Useful Articles
Before you start composing and sending an email message, please, read these articles on our website:
“How to Save Money and Speed up Message Sending with Glock-EasyMail7” http://easymail7.com/how-to-speed-up-message sending/
“How to Insert Picture into the Email Template” http://easymail7.com/tutorials/insert-picture-email-template/
From these articles, you will learn how to re-size, crop and compress images directly in G-Lock EasyMail7 before inserting them into the message and how to upload images to your web server in order to decrease the message size, speed up sending and save your money if you are paying for traffic with your email provider like Amazon SES.
Support & Contact
G-Lock EasyMail7 has a support page at http://easymail7.com/contact-support/ where you can ask for a solution to your problem using the contact form. We usually reply within 24 hours on business days.
Also, you can contact us via email at [email protected] or via a live online chat on our main website http://www.glocksoft.com . The chat is available on business days during our working hours 10:00 - 18:00 +3GMT.