Adding simple (universal) products using bulk updateDescription: Learn how to add simple (universal) products using bulk update Things We Cover: - Adding simple (universal) products using bulk update
1Preparing spreadsheetCreating a product with the bulk update is similar to manual creating of product. The only difference is that we write all that information in CSV-file and upload it at once. To add a simple product, we will need to fill spreadsheet that has all fields marked as “Required” in SCE Data Mapper “Required (Add New Products)” column. Here is the full list of those fields: Fields List In addition to the fields that are similar to the fields at SCE, we have few columns that you should add. Action - represents an action you want to do. To specify that we want to add a new product we should write “add” in this column. Product Type - Specifies the type of product you are working with. To make added product simple (universal) this fields should be 1. Allow new brand and allow new category with value equals “1” allow the bulk update to create brand/category if it does not exist in the store. These columns should be filled for each row of the spreadsheet. All fields headed should be written as they wrote at SCE Data Mapper. Otherwise, that column would be skipped. All fields that have a predefined list at SCE should have exactly same values as it was at SCE. For example, Supplier and Re-Order Supplier should have ONLY supplier names that are existing in SCE and it case-sensitive. Otherwise, the bulk update will send you an error that it couldn’t find supplier. Shipping Type also has only two possible values flat or dynamic. Depending on it you may or may not add the Shipping Rates columns. If Shipping Type is flat, then you should add and fill it and it it’s dynamic then you can skip them. Other fields that can be used in product and all information about all columns you can see at SCE Data Mapper NOTE: Fields that related to the applications (like options) from that related to the parts cannot be used with simple products. The example of such fields are: Application Specific Image, Application Specifications, Warning Note Then you should save this spreadsheet in CSV-format and upload bulk update file to the Shopping Cart Elite ![](/scripts/Blocks/img/emptyPix.png)