Removing products or part numbers via Product Bulk UpdateDescription: Learn how to remove products or part numbers via Product Bulk Update. Note: product will be completely removed without possibility to be restored. For optional and vehicles products only part number will be removed. Simple product will be removed completely. 1RemoveCreate a file and save it as «CSV (Comma delimited)». File must contain the following columns: Action, Prodid, Product Type, Part Number. Use "removeall" in Action column to remove products or "remove" to remove part numbers. NOTE: Product ID`s and part numbers can be obtained via Product Export. Go to Products > Product Bulk Update. Click on New Product Batch and choose csv file for uploading. Use Refresh button to check current status of bulk update. Value in Data Status column will be set to «Processed» when removing will be finished. Product “Application List” before removing part numbers:  Product “Application List” after removing part numbers: 