
Description: The tutorial shows how to Process your orders for shipping and enter tracking information

Things We Cover:

  • Order Shipping


Go to Orders > Shipping

You can search by supplier, order id, email, last name for specific order

You can filter by orders not shipped or orders that have been shipped already. You can view as far back as 60 days

You can get tracking updates from ship station or scout and generate invoice packing slip international forms or do batch PDF invoice processing and batch packing slips

You can view order details for a specific order

You can change the shipping service and carrier on the customer's order by overriding it

You can manually enter order tracking number by clicking on "Manual ship" and you can add item to pick list for shipping manager to grab the items on pick list

You can view shipment information by specific item number and shipment and item information by item number. Also you can scan bar code of item and do a packing validation against item

You can view all order information under the order information tabs